Auto-Archiving Unused Campaigns 

NOTE - Coming Soon (Expected Rollout Date: mid-September. Details may be updated.)

Auto-archiving will occur for any campaign without texting or dialing activity in the past 30 days. 

This will apply to:

  • All Accounts: US, CA, & UK. 
  • Campaigns with Single Use and Dedicated Numbers
  • Any ThruText campaign that has not received incoming messages or sent outgoing text messages for the past 30 days
  • Any ThruTalk campaign that has not had outgoing dials in the past 30 days

Seven days before auto-archiving occurs, an email notification will be sent to the person who launched the campaign or all account owners, depending on the campaign's launch date. When auto-archiving occurs, a confirmation email will be sent. 

If you are concerned that auto-archiving will negatively impact your use of GetThru, please contact, and we will review if your account can be exempt from auto-archiving.

NOTE - Using ThruText dedicated numbers is a great way to keep a consistent conversation with a set of contacts while also archiving past campaigns.