Campaign Navigation Menu

At the top of the campaign details page, you'll see several buttons that are dedicated to various administrative and interaction settings related to the campaign.

Screenshot of a pink arrow on the left and 5 horizontal menu items in black text on a white background: "Edit", "Recommended Replies", "Surveys", "Senders", and "Conversations."

This guide walks admins through each item on the Campaign Navigation Menu.



The Edit button takes you to a page where you can view and edit the configuration settings for your campaign. 

Screenshot of the long "Edit" page with prefilled information in text input boxes beneath a header: "Edit Your Campaign."

Recommended guides

On the recommended replies page, you can edit active recommended replies and add new recommended replies.

Screenshot of the Recommended Replies page, with an empty list at the top of the page, and a set of blank text input boxes on the bottom.

Recommended guides


The surveys page allows you to edit active survey questions and add new survey questions.

Screenshot of the Survey Question page. The list is empty, but the magenta "New Question" button below is focused, but no information has been entered below it yet.

Recommended guides


On the senders page, you can add and remove senders and toggle self-assignment and QuickSend settings.

Screenshot of a unchecked list of names, with a list of checked names below it.

Recommended guides


The conversations page shows an overview of the status of conversations as well as the conversations assigned to each sender. You can also reassign conversations from this page. 

Screenshot of Conversations and Senders cards on the Conversations page.

Recommended guides

For further details on the rest of the admin campaign page, see our guide: ThruText Campaign Page.