Your one-stop shop for 10DLC helpdesk links

We know that 10DLC compliance comes with a lot of information. This guide is intended to make all our 10DLC guides easy to find. We also know that 10DLC compliance can inspire a lot of questions. Please reach out to for any clarification you or your organization may need about your message sending.

Where do I input my 10DLC information?

The one location within, where an account's 10DLC information is viewable, is in the ThruText dropdown under Account Tools > Brand & Use Case Registration.

Brand Registration

When filling out Brand Registration for the first time, see this guide: Brand Registration Page.

To check your Brand Registrations status or to appeal a failed Brand Registration: Brand Registration Statuses, Failures, and Resubmissions.

Use Cases

For information about Use Case registration, see this guide: Use Case Registration

There are several parts to Use Case registration:

  1. 10DLC Sample Message Requirements
  2. Help Message Response
  3. Contact Source for 10DLC

Once you submit your Use Case registration, TCR approves it before moving it to Manual Vetting.

To check your Use Case Registration status or to appeal a failed application: Use Case Statuses and How to Re-Appeal.

Once your Use Case is approved, you will need to add it to every campaign: Use Case Selection During Campaign Creation.

Campaign Verify

Are you a 527 organization? You will need a Campaign Verify token: Campaign Verify.

Miscellaneous Links

Can I only text opted-in contacts?: 10DLC and Opt-ins

Splitting your traffic between accounts: 10DLC Registration for Multi-Entity Accounts

How fast can I send my messages?: Throughput and Queuing Post-10DLC

Most accounts don't need SBRs, but if you send more than 250k messages in a single day: How to Submit a T-Mobile Special Business Review

My company is outside the US. Do I need to follow 10DLC?: Non-US Entities and 10DLC