The Phone Numbers Page
NOTE - Dedicated numbers are ThruText only at this time.
Dedicated phone numbers provide consistency in your outreach by allowing you to launch multiple campaigns with the same number. For recipients, texts from different campaigns using the same dedicated number will appear as the same text conversation.
Admins and Account Owners on US accounts can create and manage dedicated phone numbers for their account on the Phone Numbers Page. Once an account has a provisioned dedicated phone number, it is used during campaign creation. Creating a dedicated number is a great way to circumvent delays associated with Provisioning-Based Launching for single use numbers.
Dedicated phone numbers are protected from carrier porting using our provider's pin system.
Creating a new dedicated number
The Phone Numbers page is located in the Account Tools drop-down.
On the Phone Numbers page, in the "Create a dedicated phone number" box:
- Choose an area code: Select the area code for their dedicated number using the drop-down menu.
- Name phone number (optional): If desired, admins can give the phone number a name. The phone number name is used internally only and is not shown to contacts. Phone number names can be used to differentiate one phone number from another. The names can represent the location where the number will be used (e.g., neighborhood, county, or facility), the intention (e.g., fundraising, ballot chase, or organizing), or the date the phone number was added to the account.
- Use Case: The phone number will be provisionedfor this use case.
- NOTE - If you do not have a use case and are texting US contacts, check that your Brand Registration and Use Case forms are filled out and your use case is marked "Approved."
After selecting the options, admins click the "Add Number" button. If a phone number with that area code is available, it will appear in the "Dedicated Phone Numbers" list below, and provisioning will start.
NOTE - If there are no phone numbers with that area code, an error message will appear at the top of the screen. If an error occurs, the admin must select a different area code before clicking the "Add Number" button again or reach out to support for assistance. New Hampshire area codes are not available as Dedicated Numbers.
If you encounter a phone number that is hard-to-get, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.
Managing Dedicated Phone Numbers
At the bottom of the page is the list of dedicated phone numbers currently on the account. An account can have a maximum of five numbers.
- The Provisioning Status tags show the status of provisioning for the phone number. The number is ready once there is a green status flag.
- After being added to the "Dedicated Phone Number" list, phone number names can be edited by clicking the 'Pencil' icon.
- A dedicated number can be deleted if it is not on any active campaigns. If an admin attempts to delete a number in use on an active campaign, there will be a warning that will not allow you to continue.
Why Use a Dedicated Number?
Carriers block all unregistered texting traffic. To ensure that traffic is registered, phone numbers must go through provisioning to configure them with valid 10dlc registration. Dedicated numbers go through provisioning when they are first added to your account. Once approved, they remain linked to your account and can be used to launch multiple campaigns. Since single use phone numbers have to go through provisioning as well, these campaigns must go through the provisioning process when they are launched, which results in a delay between launching and sending texts. Dedicated number campaigns can launch immediately since they're already provisioned. You can read more about the benefits of a dedicated number here: Dedicated Numbers vs. Single Use Numbers.