Message status

Sometimes, a message is prevented from leaving ThruText to go to the messaging provider. When that happens, an account is not charged for that message. 

What message statuses are not billable?

Non-terminal states

  • "unsent"- This means the "Sent" button was clicked for the message but it is being held within ThruText's system and not forwarded to the provider at the time the export was generated. Messages may be in an "unsent" status when they are queued within our system and then sent at a later time (ex: the campaign's next daily open hours).
    • NOTE 1 - For initial messages, if the initial message sending window has passed, the messages will remain unsent.
    • NOTE 2 - In rare cases, a message may be marked unsent and billable. If that occurs it means the message was successfully sent and you should not resend outreach to the contact.

Terminal states

  • "sending failed" - This message encountered an issue and was not sent to our provider. This can happen, for example, if a campaign had messages queued overnight and the campaign was archived before they could go out.
  • "campaign closed" - This status can occur in two ways. 
    • When this status occurs in the SuperCollider, the message was sent outside of the campaign's open hours, and the campaign was archived before the message was scheduled to be sent. 
    • When this status occurs in the original messenger, the message was not sent to the provider because the campaign was closed.
  • "rate limited" - Our system is optimized to prevent messages from becoming rate-limited and entering a terminal state, but on the off chance that one is, an account is not charged for it.
  • "handoff failure" - When attempting to send the message, our provider told us that they could not accept this message from us. This is a terminal state.
  • "country unsupported failed" - This message was sent to a country that is not supported. United States area codes can only text other US numbers and will encounter this status if the area code is outside of the US. We suggest not resending messages to those contacts.
If a message has encountered a "sending failed", "campaign closed", "rate limited", or "handoff failure" unbillable message status, admins can confidently send that message to that contact again, if desired!

What message statuses are billable?

  • "sent" - Messages that have successfully left the ThruText system are billable unless they meet a certain type of provider error code. See Message Errors in Exports for error explanations. 

NOTE - Admins can see the number of billable messages for a month on their Usage Analytics page. Additionally, they can assess if a particular message was billable by reviewing Account or Campaign level message exports.