MyCampaign Events Surveys

Event data can be brought into your ThruText campaigns from the MyCampaign or EveryAction/NGP8 side of your VAN committee only. Events are not available on the MyVoter side of VAN.

For information on adding activist codes and MyCampaign surveys, visit our guide on MyCampaign Sync Responses.


Step 1: Campaign creation

On the Survey Question step of Campaign Creation, you will need to add your Events by using the "Survey Type" drop-down beneath the "New Question" tab and selecting "Event."

Screenshot of the 'New Question' menu, which is dark grey with white text. The bottom option, 'Event,' is highlighted in bright pink.

You will then search for the Event's title in the "VAN Search" field:

Screenshot of the word 'new' in black text in a white input field. Below, a black box with an arrow pointing to the input field contains white text with a date and the phrase 'A new event to use.'

Once you select your Event, click "Add Question."

NOTE - Events must include at least one role, status, and location to sync back successfully. A location must be documented even if the event is a virtual one. The "Non-event Leader" role and "Scheduled" status will be registered for contacts by default. You can configure the role and status by editing the survey question on each campaign and choosing the status and role manually:

Screenshot of a pair of drop down menus of black text on a white background. The top states 'sync role as' and the bottom states 'sync affirmative status as'

If no selection is made for Sync Role As, the system will sync back the role with the lowest Role ID numerically in VAN. You can see the Role ID in VAN by going to the Main Menu > Administrative Menu > Events > Event Roles.

Screenshot of the VAN interface showing "Roles." A red rectangle surrounds the "Role ID" column.

The options for Sync Affirmative Status As include Scheduled, Declined, Confirmed, Wait List, and Texted. If no selection is made for Sync Affirmative Status As, the system will sync back Scheduled.

Continue with your campaign creation, including importing any additional survey questions from your VAN. Finalize your campaign and launch!

Step 2: Collect Event data 

When your texters send the initial scripted message and collect responses for your events, the responses will be logged in MyCampaign for that contact's MyCampaign VAN ID.

NOTE - The API will only sync back "Yes" responses to your Event shifts. "Declined" is a status in VAN and not a yes/no situation for events in MyCampaign, so it won't sync anything back. If you wanted to get the declines into your VAN committee, you could run a survey export on that campaign and bulk upload to VAN using VAN Campaign ID.

If you have properly set up your ThruText Survey Questions by importing from VAN, the sync will happen automatically as your texters send initial messages and record data. You do not need to press any special "sync to VAN" button at the end of the campaign. Just check your VAN account, and you'll see the data recorded in ThruText show up!

If your Events have failed to sync back to VAN because of mismapping at group upload, follow our guide for Excel directions to prepare a ThruText export for manual upload to VAN.