Adjusting the level of access for another user profile

Users with Administrator level permissions can elevate or remove permissions from users, moderators, and other administrators. They cannot elevate or remove permissions from a user with Account Owner-level permissions.

Users with Account Owner-level permissions can elevate or remove permissions from any other user within their account.

To do this, you would drop-down the "Users" menu and select "Active" in the menu bar on the left side of your screen.

Screenshot of the navy leftside menu. The "Users" section is expanded and The "Active" section is highlighted with a green rectangle.

Find the user you wish to manage permissions for and click the "Edit" button on the line with their name. The "Edit" button is located in the "Details" column.

Screenshot of a light grey "Edit" button highlighted with a green rectangle to the right of an entry on the "Users table"

Select the role you want them to have from the drop-down and click "Update User."

Screenshot of the expanded "Select Role" menu. The options are Account Owner, Administrator, Moderator, and User with a check next to "Account Owner".

There are four different permission levels for users within GetThru — Account Owners, Administrators, Moderators, and Users.

For a walkthrough of managing user permissions, please check out our video Inviting Users and Manage Permissions.