Creating replies for every campaign in your account

Admins can create “Recommended Replies,” which will be displayed in the Saved Replies menu for message senders. Recommended Replies can be either Global or per Campaign.

Read more about using your Recommended Replies in the Messenger.


Global Recommended Replies are intended to help your message senders respond to typical statements or questions that may come up on any campaign, such as "How did you get my number" or "Tell me more about your organization." Using Global Recommended Replies, you can give your message senders a standard and consistent script on how to reply in those situations. Global Recommended Replies are:

  • Always available in any campaign.
  • Can insert Sender or target First or Last name in the script, but cannot use any other custom field.

To create a Global Recommended Reply, select "Recommended Replies" from your "ThruText Tools" menu:

Screenshot of a column of white text on a dark blue background. There is a dark green solidly lined rectangle calling attention to "Recommended Replies""

You can view, create, edit, or delete “Global” Recommended Replies from this page.

To create a Global Recommended reply, click the "Create New Reply" button at the top of the page.

This will bring you to the "New Recommended Reply" section. Next, you will add a user-friendly title and write the body of your message. Then, you will click "Create Recommended Reply" to save.

A screenshot of a text input boxes for creating and naming recommended replies in black text on a white background with two green arrows highlight the text input boxes. At the bottom is an artistic rendition illustrating how the text would appear to a contact

Double-check the message encoding and the amount of segments in the Recommended Reply. In the above screenshot, the reply is in 7-bit encoding and will be sent as one segment. There are approximately 122 characters until a second segment is needed to send the message.

Once you create a Global Recommended Reply, your message senders will see the modified reply options at the next refresh of the web application in every active campaign.

Your texters are your best resource for creating Global Replies. Ask them if they have created Saved Replies that they often use for your organization.

The edit and delete buttons are located to the right of the title of the Recommended Replies. Global Recommended Replies can be edited/deleted before and after they are used on a campaign.

A screenshot displaying black text on a white background, featuring two sets of recommended replies. Blue text is located at the right end of each line. The top line highlights 'delete' while the bottom line highlights 'edit' with green solid-lined rectangles.

Campaign Recommended Replies are just like Global replies, except they will only appear on the specific campaign to which they are attached. For example, they might be used to answer, "How long will the event be?" Campaign Recommended Replies are:

  • Only available in the campaign where it was created
  • Can be added during the campaign creation process or after the campaign is launched
  • Can include custom fields--just like any initial message or follow-up message scripts.

Check out more information about tips and tricks for Campaign Recommended Replies.

For more information about creating Campaign Recommended Replies, please see our guide on Launching a ThruText Campaign. For a video demonstration, please check out our video How to Set Global Recommended Replies.