How to locate Usage Analytics

Account owners and administrators can view the account's usage from within the Account Tools drop-down menu and by selecting the Usage Analytics menu option.

Screenshot of white text on a dark blue background. A green solid-lined rectangle calls attention to the words "Usage Analytics".

Using the Usage Analytics page

This dashboard is updated nightly and includes your unique messaged contacts, outgoing SMS messages, outgoing SMS segments, outgoing MMS messages, outgoing dials, and unique called contacts.

NOTE - All months are based on UTC and align with the monthly invoices.

Screenshot of 6 boxes of numbers in black text on a white background showing message and called contacts.

Definition of columns

"Screenshot of a table of numbers in black text on a white background. The top line shows the most recent month, with each subsequent line representing an earlier month.

  • Messaged Contacts are unique contacts who have received a text in that calendar month.
  • SMS Messages are all outgoing SMS messages that were sent in that calendar month in UTC time. 
    • An outgoing SMS message is any text-only message sent by texters on your account. SMS Messages includes your initial messages, replies by your texters to your contacts, and opt out messages.
    • SMS Messages that are segmented due to their length count as ONE outgoing message.
    • SMS Messages do not include unbillable errored messages.
    • SMS Messages do not include unbillable messages statuses.
  • SMS Segments are all outgoing segmentsin SMS messages that were sent in that calendar month in UTC.
    • An outgoing SMS segment is every segment sent in an outgoing message by texters on your account. SMS Segments include all segments in your initial messages, replies, and opt out messages.
    • SMS Segments do not include segments in unbillable errored messages.
    • SMS Segments do not include unbillable message statuses.
    • NOTE - At this time, SMS Segment totals are complete for June 2023 and after. May 2023 totals contain partial data. Prior to May 2023, SMS segments were not recorded.
  • MMS Messages are all outgoing media messages that were sent in that calendar month in UTC.
    • MMS Messages do not include unbillable errored messages.
    • MMS Messages do not include unbillable message statuses.
    • NOTE - For U.S. accounts, MMS messaging is only available with MMS approved use cases
  • Dials are all calls made that were completed in that calendar month in UTC.
    • Dials completed includes all calls made, excluding the ones marked with a not dialed result.
    • NOTE - You are not charged for not dialed results. 
  • Called Contacts are unique contacts who have received a call in that calendar month.
  • Last Updated is the amount of time since the totals were updated. During the current month, the numbers update nightly. After a month has ended, the last update was on the last day of that month.

Account Owners in primary accounts can view the usage for linked accounts by clicking the Network Account Usage button that appears above the usage for the account. This is not available on all accounts and is not accessible to users with admin permissions. Please write to with any questions!