Sending initial messages with one click

Some accounts' admins have chosen to enable the QuickSend feature. With QuickSend, you, the message sender, can send your initial messages out with one click and focus your attention on responding to your messages and recording survey data

QuickSend in the Messenger

If an account has QuickSend turned on, the Messenger's "Send" button is replaced with a "Send All" button.

NOTE - Only click the "Send All" button once to start the QuickSend process. You will see your messages fly out! View the gif below for a demonstration.

NOTE - The "Send All" button will not appear if an account has not enabled QuickSend. Only admins can enable this feature! Please reach out to your texting admins if you have any questions about QuickSend.

After all your messages are sent, you will see the replies to your assignment. Now, you can begin sending your Recommended Replies.